Getting innovations adopted in the housing sector.

Purpose: The purpose of this study is threefold. First, to provide a taxonomy of innovations in the housing sector. Second, to create a coherent framework that includes the mechanisms that stimulate and hinder the adoption of innovation in the housing sector. Third, to develop propositions for future innovation adoption research. Design/methodology/approach: A search in Clarivate […]

The continued adoption of housing systems in the Netherlands: A multiple case study.

Extensive governmental and industry efforts have been devoted to developing innovative housebuilding systems. However, it appears a challenge for housebuilding firms to move beyond their demonstration status and get their housing system adopted at a large scale and over a longer period. This is problematic since worsening developments concerning the environmental impact, poor production efficiency […]

The influence of glass substrates on the damp heat degradation of ZnO: Al films

Aluminum doped zinc oxide (ZnO:Al) films were deposited by sputtering on borosilicate glass (sodium poor) and soda lime glass (sodium rich). These films were exposed up to 1032 hours of damp heat (85 ◦C/85 % relative humidity) to study the influence of among others the sodium content of the substrate on the ZnO:Al stability. A […]

Optical study of back-contacted CIGS solar cells.

A novel back-contacted solar cell based on a submicron copper indium gallium (di)selenide (CIGS) absorber is proposed and optically investigated. First, charge carrier collection feasibility is studied by band diagram analysis. Then, two back-contacted configurations are suggested and optimized for maximum current production. The results are compared with a reference front/back-contacted CIGS solar cell with […]

Assessing the circular re-design of prefabricated building envelope elements for carbon neutral renovation

Buildings and the construction industry at large are significant contributors to the catastrophic climate breakdown. The built environment is responsible for 37% of the total global carbon emission, of which about a third arises from the energy used to produce building and construction materials, usually referred to as embodied carbon. One of the key strategies to reduce the environmental impact of buildings is to significantly improve their energy efficiency, which is referred to as deep renovation. Prefabricated building envelope elements intended to prevent heat loss through the building envelope are considered a key deep-renovation technology. Connecting prefabricated elements to a building reflects a potential stream of waste if applied linearly with severe negative environmental impact in terms of natural resource depletion and exposure to pollutants. This article reports on a quantitative Design for Disassembly (Dfd) indicator to assess future recovery potential and, subsequently, its impact on embodied carbon emission of the circular redesign of three different prefabricated building envelope elements. Although none of the redesigned elements are yet considered 100% circular, the development of these three prefabricated building envelope elements showcases that the environmental impact can be substantially reduced following a well-structured and dedicated innovation process. The reduction of the environmental impact is indicated by lower quantities of embodied carbon up to 50% and an improved design for disassembly, reflecting a higher reuse potential of building materials and components. Several limitations and directions for further research were identified to advance the development of circular, prefabricated deep-renovation building envelope elements.

What was the DRIVE 0 project about? A full publishable report on the project’s results

«DRIVE 0 – Driving decarbonization of the EU building stock by enhancing a consumer centred and locally based circular renovation process»
The DRIVE 0 project deals with the promotion of strategies for the decarbonisation of the existing building stock through the implementation of deep renovation interventions. The project aims at promoting the adoption of a circular approach in renovation processes that, in order to be attractive and effective, must be based on the customer’s actual needs.
According to the DRIVE 0 approach, circular retrofitting is based on the use of energy from renewable sources and the use of materials from biological or technical cycles, in which waste production is minimised and end-of-life strategies with a positive impact on the environment are envisaged.

Afronding Drive0: een manifest voor de toekomst

Drive-0 is afgerond. De deliverables en verslagen worden langzaam ingeleverd. Maar de ontwikkelingen rondom het circulair renoveren staan niet stil. In tegendeel zelfs; we moeten gaan versnellen willen we de (inter)nationale doelen halen die gesteld zijn. Daarom is het lectoraat ondertussen weer druk bezig om te experimenteren en innoveren binnen nieuwe projecten, zoals Build Up […]

Integratie onderwijs en onderzoek binnen SURD

Wij zijn een lectoraat binnen Zuyd Hogeschool. En dat betekent dat het onderzoek dat wij doen, ten goede moet komen aan het onderwijs. En hoe we dat doen? Dat ga ik je hier uitleggen! Afgelopen maandag organiseerde John Van Oorschot een workshop en werkbezoek naar het project SUPERLOCAL – Super Circular Estate voor het team van academie Built Environment Zuyd. […]

Ontwikkeling workshop circulair renoveren

– English below – Trots op onze collega Ivar Bergmans, die naast zijn bijdrage aan de onderzoekslijn circulaire gebouwtechnologie ook een belangrijke stap heeft gezet in het ontwikkelen van het onderwijs binnen dat thema. Hij heeft een workshop ontwikkelt voor bouwkunde studenten waarbij zij zelf kunnen ervaren wat het betekent om circulair te bouwen. De […]