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Urban Living Lab

Urban Living Lab

Publicatie Datum


Urban Living Labs en Placemaking voor Lokale Ruimtelijke Transities: de Auroraflat in Heerlen-Noord

Stefano Blezer

Urban Living Labs as Innovation Infrastructure for Local Urban Intervention Acceleration and Student Social Learning: the Impacts on Community Wellbeing in Heerlen

Stefano Blezer, Nurhan Abujidi, and Herwin Sap
Frontiers in Public Health

What Was the DRIVE0 Project Sbout? A Full Publishable Report on the Project’s Results

Drive0 team

Urban Living Labs for the Development of Hybrid Research Methods in Contextualized Societal Challenges; the Example of Cultural Probes in Poverty Research in the Netherlands

Nurhan Abujidi, Stefano Blezer, Marco Putzu, and Steffi Kohl
Open Living Lab Days

Natural Hypertransformation: Agriculture in Belgium and the Netherlands 2100

Poorya Eghtesadi, and Niklas Michels

Are Energy Decisions About Energy? A Study of Homeowners’ Decision-making Processes in the Transition to Low-carbon Housing in the Netherlands.

Wendy Broers
Maastricht University

Circular Cities for Urban and Social Resilience

Nurhan Abujidi, and Cecilia Chiappini

Assessing the Circular Re-design of Prefabricated Building Envelope Elements for Carbon Neutral Renovation

Ivar J.B. Bergmans, Silu Bhochhibhoya, and John van Oorschot
Journal of Facade Design & Engineering

Placemaking and the Urban Living Lab for Students’ Social Learning and Innovation in Education: The Case of Heerlen

Nurhan Abujidi, Herwin Sap, and Stefano Blezer

The future is WOOW

Maurice Hermans, and Nurhan Abujidi
Hogeschool Zuyd

Crossing Multiple Solar Energy Gaps: A Dutch Case-study on Intermediation for Building-integrated Photovoltaics

Wendy Broers, Ren´e Kemp, Veronique Vasseur, Marianna Markantoni, Nurhan Abujidi, and Zeger Vroon
Energy Research & Social Science

Placemaking in the Urban Living Lab Heerlen and Aurora flat courtyard intervention: learning towards urban vitality in vulnerable and cultural diverse neighbourhoods

Stefano Blezer, Nurhan Abujidi, and Herwin Sap
Open Living Lab Days

Boosting the Renovation Wave with Modular Industrialized Renovation Kits: mapping challenges, barriers and solution strategies

John van Oorschot, M.S. Di Maggio, P. Op ‘t Veld, and A. Tisov
European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform

Justice in Social Housing: Towards a People-centred Energy Renovation Process

Wendy Broers, Veronique Vasseur, René Kemp, Nurhan Abujidi & Zeger Vroon

Degrowth als Ontwikkelperspectief voor ‘Capabilitygebaseerde’ Ruimtelijke Rechtvaardigheid.

Stefano Blezer

Towards Circular Economy through Industrial Symbiosis in the Dutch Construction Industry: A Case of Recycled Concrete Aggregates

Yifei Yu, Devrim Murat Yazan , Silu Bhochhibhoya, and Leentje Volker
Journal of Cleaner Production

Circularity Indicator for Residential Buildings: Addressing the Gap Between Embodied Impacts and Design Aspects

Dario Cottafava, and Michiel Ritzen
Resources Conservation and Recycling

The Adoption of Green Modular Innovations in the Dutch Housebuilding Sector

John. van Oorschot, Johannes I.M. Halman, and Erwin Hofman
Journal of Cleaner Production

Circularity in Selected EU Countries: The Case of Construction and Demolition Industry

Nnorman Dytianquin, Jeanine Hermans, Nikos Kalogeras, John Van Oorschot, and Michiel Ritzen
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Environmental Impact Evaluation of Five Circular Concrete Scenarios

R E J van den Bogert and Michiel Ritzen
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Circularity Concepts for Offsite Prefabricated Energy Renovation of Apartment Buildings

Kalle Kuusk, Kristel Kullerkupp, Peep Pihelo, Michiel Ritzen, Ana Tisov, and Targo Kalamees
Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Urban Living Labs and Transformative Changes: A Qualitative Study of the Triadic Relationship Between Financing, Stakeholder Roles, and the Outcomes of Urban Living Labs in terms of Impact Creation in the City of Groningen.

Stefano Blezer, and Nurhan Abujidi
TIME review

The Urban Living Lab as Tool for Introducing Circularity in the Everyday Life of Vulnerable Neighbourhoods: Case-study Kerkrade-West, the Netherlands.

Nurhan Abujidi, Stefano Blezer, and Marijn van de Weijer
Digital Living Lab Days

Not All Homeowners are alike: a Segmentation Model Based on a Quantitative Analysis of Dutch Adopters of Residential Photovoltaics.

Wendy Broers, Veronique Vasseur, René Kemp, Nurhan Abujidi & Zeger Vroon
Energy Efficiency

Interdigitated back‐contacted structure: A different approach towards high‐efficiency ultrathin copper indium gallium (di) selenide solar cells

Nasim Rezaei, Paul Procel, Marcel Simor, Zeger Vroon, Miro Zeman, and Olindo Isabella
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications

The Transition of Circular Economy in the Dutch Housing Industry

Noud Slota, Silu Bhochhibhoya ,Berri de Jongec, and André Doreed

On The Adoption of Innovation in Housing Sector

John van Oorschot
University of Twente

Phase Separation of VO2 and SiO2 on SiO2-Coated Float Glass Yields Robust Thermochromic Coating with Unrivalled Optical Properties.

Cindy Yeung, Roberto Habets, Luc Leufkens, Fallon Colberts, Kathleen Stout, Zeger Vroon, Daniel Mann and Pascal Buskens.
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells

Small-scale Bioclimatic Prosthesis: A strategy for adaptive social housing based on local spontaneous and socio-environmental patterns in transitional spaces

Leonardo Venegas, Simona Pecoraio, Karen Allacker, Frank Troyer, Nurhan Abujidi, and Boris Rebolledo
Energy for Sustainable Development

Comparative Building Energy Simulation Study of Static and Thermochromically Adaptive Energy-Efficient Glazing in Various Climate Regions.

Daniel Mann, Cindy Yeung, Roberto Habets, Zeger Vroon, and Pascal Buskens
Energies (Basel)

Getting Innovations Adopted in the Housing Sector

John van Oorschot, Johannes I.M. Halman, and Erwin Hofman
Construction Innovation

The Influence of Glass Substrates on the Damp Heat Degradation of ZnO: Al films

Mirjam Theelen, Vasileios Ntinas, Henk Steijvers, Hero ’t Mannetje, and Zeger Vroon
Thin Solid Films

Interdigitated Back‐contacted Structure: A Different Approach Towards High‐efficiency Ultrathin Copper Indium Gallium (di) Selenide Solar Cells.

Nasim Rezaei, Paul Procel, Marcel Simor, Zeger Vroon, Miro Zeman, and Olindo Isabella
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications

Publicatie in het boek ‘circulaire economie in de praktijk’over SUPERLOCAL

Michiel Ritzen
Lectorenplatform Circulaire Economie

The Continued Adoption of Housing Systems in the Netherlands: A Multiple Casestudy

John van Oorschot, Johannes I.M. Halman, and Erwin Hofman
Journal of Construction Engineering

Changing Use and Performance of Industrial Estates from 1965 Onward: the Case of the Parkstad Conurbation, the Netherlands

Marijn van de Weijer
Journal of Urban Design

A Post-industrial Walk in Genk: Engaging with Heritage Through Participatory Design

Marijn van de Weijer, Mela Zuljevic, Christian Ernsten, Sussane Mariacher, Georgia Panagiotidou, Anna Pohl, and Leen Roels
CAMOC Museums of Cities Review

Who is Doing What? Spatial Practices in Refugee Camps – Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Layla Zibar, and Nurhan Abujidi
Displacement & Domesticity since 1945

Optical Study of Back-contacted CIGS Solar Cells

Nasim Rezaei, Olindo Isabella, Paul Procel, Zeger Vroon, and Miro Zeman
Optic Express

Circular (de)construction in the Superlocal Project

Michiel Ritzen, John van Oorschot, J., Michelle Cammans, Martijn Segers, Tom Wieland, Pieter Scheer, and Nurhan Abujidi
IOP Publishing

Optical optimization of a multi-layer wideband anti-reflection coating using porous MgF2 for sub-micron-thick CIGS solar cells.

Nasim Rezaei, Olindo Isabella, Zeger Vroon, and Miro Zeman
Solar Energy

Decided or Divided? An Empirical Analysis of the Decision-making Process of Dutch Homeowners for Energy Renovation Measures.

Wendy Broers, Veronique Vasseur, René Kemp, Nurhan Abujidi & Zeger Vroon
Energy Research & Social Science

Walking, Recording and Collaborative Mapping: How Can We Advance PD Methodology by Engaging With Heritage?

Marijn van de Weijer, Mela Zuljevic, and Giulia Carabelli
the 15th Participatory Design Conference

(re)CYCLE Limburg booklet

Nurhan Abujidi, Herwin Sap, Cecilia Furlan
Hogeschool Zuyd

Quenching Mo Optical Losses in CIGS Solar Cells by a Point Contacted Dual-layer Dielectric Spacer: a 3-D Optical Study

Nasim Rezaei, Olindo Isabella, Zeger Vroon, and Miro Zeman
Optics Express

Advanced Light Management Techniques for Two-terminal Hybrid Tandem Solar Cells

Blanker, A. J., Berendsen, P., Phung, N., Vroon, Z. A. E. P., Zeman, M. & Smets, A. H. M.
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells

Are Energy Decisions About Energy?

Wendy Broers, Veronique Vasseur, René Kemp, Nurhan Abujidi & Zeger Vroon
In Behave 2018 : Book of Abstracts

Herbestemming na de Mijnsluiting. De Ruimtelijke Plangeschiedenis van Parkstad en het Emmaterrein, 1965-1997

Marijn van de Weijer
Studies voor Sociaal Economische Geschiedenis van Limburg

The Living Lab Concept, as Intermediary Platform, for Sustainable Neighbourhood Development in the Province of Limburg, the Netherlands.

Stefano Blezer
Hogeschool Zuyd

Comparative Performance Assessment of a Non-ventilated and Ventilated BIPV Rooftop Configurations in the Netherlands Solar Energy

Geurts, C.P.W., Vroon, Z.A.E.P., Rovers, R., Ritzen, M.J.

Smart Urban Redesign

New Eyckholt 300

6419 DJ Heerlen

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