Senior Onderzoeker
Cecilia Chiappini
MarĂa Cecilia Chiappini (NL, IT, AR, born in 1983) is a Senior Lecturer-Researcher at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences. Previously, she worked as a Hoofddocent-Onderzoeker (HBO-Associate Professor) on Adaptive Architecture at the University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam-Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA, 2023-2025); directed the Master in Urbanism at Fontys (2021-2023); and conducted (post)doctoral research and teaching at KU Leuven, in Belgium (2015-2023). She has years of experience practicing, teaching and researching in Europe and Latin America. Her fascination lays on the fluctuations of spatial configurations in relation to public domain at urban and architectonic scales. She holds as PhD in Architecture from KU Leuven, Belgium (2021); a Master of Advanced Studies in Urban Design from ETH Zurich, Switzerland (2012); and Master in Architecture from the UNL Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina (2007).