Urban Living Labs for the Development of Hybrid Research Methods in Contextualized Societal Challenges; the Example of Cultural Probes in Poverty Research in the Netherlands

Abstract Poverty is a persistent and insufficiently understood societal challenge that requires the inclusion of lived experiences of poverty (Hagenaars, 1986; Reeves et al., 2020). Traditional approaches to poverty are dominated by the non-poor’s understanding of poverty, which hinders effective policy and intervention strategies. To address this gap, we demonstrate that Urban Living Labs (ULLs) […]

Natural Hypertransformation: Agriculture in Belgium and the Netherlands 2100

Natural Hypertransformation: Agriculture in Belgium and the Netherlands 2100 is a research by design advocating a new approach to planning large-scale infrastructure, particularly railways, to reduce agriculture’s physical footprint to facilitate environmental regeneration in the borderlands of Belgium and the Netherlands. In Northwest Europe, the Construction of new transportation infrastructure, particularly railway networks, is contributing […]

Are Energy Decisions About Energy? A Study of Homeowners’ Decision-making Processes in the Transition to Low-carbon Housing in the Netherlands.

The transition to a low-carbon housing stock must increase more rapidly to meet the European climate goals: 55% reduction of greenhouse gasses in 2030 and becoming climate neutral in 2050. This transition can be realised by implementing residential low-carbon measures such as insulation, high-efficiency glazing, efficient heating and ventilation systems, and residential renewable energy production […]

Circular Cities for Urban and Social Resilience

abstract Between 1960s and 1970s Engineers, planners, geographers scholars started to metaphorically compare cities and territories with live organism, coining the word Urban Metabolism (UM). Since then, the metaphor was increasingly used to understand and explain the interrelation between human society and the different territorial systems (Gandy, 2014[i]). It could be argued that UM is […]

Placemaking and the Urban Living Lab for Students’ Social Learning and Innovation in Education: The Case of Heerlen

The neighbourhood GMS in Heerlen-Noord, the Netherlands, is currently struggling to overcome its socio-urban challenges due to the historical context. Placemaking and Urban Living Labs as concepts both offer potentials to address the current socio-urban challenges, by explicitly involving students. In fact, this paper shows that while drawing on both including an inclusive co-creation process […]

The future is WOOW

Deze krant werd gepubliceerd ter afronding van het WOOW project in 2023. Download

Crossing Multiple Solar Energy Gaps: A Dutch Case-study on Intermediation for Building-integrated Photovoltaics

Het artikel geeft inzicht in welke knelpunten er nog zijn in het besluitvormingsproces van huiseigenaren over BIPV, en hoe bemiddeling (intermediation) door formele en informele partijen, zoals de overheid, BIPVNL, architecten, consultants, energy coaches, maar ook vrienden en familie in het sociaal netwerk van huiseigenaren, kunnen bijdragen in de versnelling van de opschaling van BIPV […]

Smart Urban Redesign

New Eyckholt 300

6419 DJ Heerlen

+31 (0) 6 38 57 05 60
