Senior Onderzoeker

Bianca Andaloro

Bianca Andaloro graduated MArch in Architecture from the University of Palermo (UniPa, Italy) and gained experience in professional practice. She obtained a PhD cum laude in Architecture (2023) at UniPa, investigating how resilient adaptive architecture is influencing the architectural characters. She has been Lecturer at Fontys Academy of Architecture of Tilburg, UniPa and UniBas, where she is completing a Post-research on climate-adaptive, nature-based streetscapes. She has collaborated with the Hogeschool van Amsterdam on research projects around Adaptive Architecture. She strongly believes in collaborative research and collective work as a means to contribute to the built and social environment, resulting in her involvement with research units such as Nature-City Lab, InFra Lab and LabCity. She is joining Zuyd University of Applied Sciences as a researcher and lecturer to further explore the relations between Architecture and transitions, thus contributing to creating more lively and circular environments for the next future.


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Smart Urban Redesign

New Eyckholt 300

6419 DJ Heerlen

+31 (0) 6 38 57 05 60