Smart Urban Redesign

Een nieuwe Dr. in het lectoraat

– English below – Afgelopen dinsdag heeft Wendy Broers haar PhD getiteld ‘Are energy decisions about energy? A study of homeowners’ decision-making processes in the transition to low-carbon housing in the Netherlands’ met succes verdedigd. Haar onderzoek gaat in op de verscheidenheid en diversiteit van bewoners, en hoe dat hun keuzes om verduurzamingsmaatregels te treffen […]


We kijken allen terug op een bijzonder jaar waarin we fysieke meetings wisselden met digitale meetings.

Are Energy Decisions About Energy? A Study of Homeowners’ Decision-making Processes in the Transition to Low-carbon Housing in the Netherlands.

The transition to a low-carbon housing stock must increase more rapidly to meet the European climate goals: 55% reduction of greenhouse gasses in 2030 and becoming climate neutral in 2050. This transition can be realised by implementing residential low-carbon measures such as insulation, high-efficiency glazing, efficient heating and ventilation systems, and residential renewable energy production […]

Crossing Multiple Solar Energy Gaps: A Dutch Case-study on Intermediation for Building-integrated Photovoltaics

Het artikel geeft inzicht in welke knelpunten er nog zijn in het besluitvormingsproces van huiseigenaren over BIPV, en hoe bemiddeling (intermediation) door formele en informele partijen, zoals de overheid, BIPVNL, architecten, consultants, energy coaches, maar ook vrienden en familie in het sociaal netwerk van huiseigenaren, kunnen bijdragen in de versnelling van de opschaling van BIPV […]

Rolling Solar

Looptijd Budget Onderzoekspartners ? Publieke partners ? Netwerkpartners ? Onderzoekers

Justice in Social Housing: Towards a People-centred Energy Renovation Process

he annual renovation rate of the existing housing stock must increase rapidly to reach climate neutrality by 2050. This transition will require major investments but will also need to be affordable for everyone. Affordability is especially relevant for vulnerable and low-income households, many of which live in social housing in the Netherlands. Previous studies show […]

Not All Homeowners are alike: a Segmentation Model Based on a Quantitative Analysis of Dutch Adopters of Residential Photovoltaics.

The implementation of residential photovoltaics must increase more rapidly to combat climate change and its impacts. This challenge is addressed in this study by introducing a segmentation model in order to develop a theoretical and empirical foundation for understanding the heterogeneity of potential adopters. Data were collected by means of a survey among Dutch adopters […]

Phase Separation of VO2 and SiO2 on SiO2-Coated Float Glass Yields Robust Thermochromic Coating with Unrivalled Optical Properties.

Vanadium dioxide displays thermochromic properties based on its structural phase transition from monoclinic VO2 (M) to rutile VO2 (R) and vice versa, and the accompanying reversible metal-insulator transition. We developed a single layer coating comprising VO2 (M) and SiO2. We applied the coating from an alcoholic solution comprising vanadium(IV) oxalate complex and pre-oligomerized tetra ethoxy […]

The Influence of Glass Substrates on the Damp Heat Degradation of ZnO: Al films

Aluminum doped zinc oxide (ZnO:Al) films were deposited by sputtering on borosilicate glass (sodium poor) and soda lime glass (sodium rich). These films were exposed up to 1032 hours of damp heat (85 ◦C/85 % relative humidity) to study the influence of among others the sodium content of the substrate on the ZnO:Al stability. A […]

Smart Urban Redesign

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6419 DJ Heerlen

+31 (0) 6 38 57 05 60
