Smart Urban Redesign

Getting Innovations Adopted in the Housing Sector

Purpose: The purpose of this study is threefold. First, to provide a taxonomy of innovations in the housing sector. Second, to create a coherent framework that includes the mechanisms that stimulate and hinder the adoption of innovation in the housing sector. Third, to develop propositions for future innovation adoption research. Design/methodology/approach: A search in Clarivate […]

The Influence of Glass Substrates on the Damp Heat Degradation of ZnO: Al films

Aluminum doped zinc oxide (ZnO:Al) films were deposited by sputtering on borosilicate glass (sodium poor) and soda lime glass (sodium rich). These films were exposed up to 1032 hours of damp heat (85 ◦C/85 % relative humidity) to study the influence of among others the sodium content of the substrate on the ZnO:Al stability. A […]

Publicatie in het boek ‘circulaire economie in de praktijk’over SUPERLOCAL

De regio Parkstad in Zuidoost-Limburg kampt met een krimpende bevolking, door vergrijzing en het wegtrekken van jongeren. Steeds meer woningen staan leeg en zijn rijp voor de sloop. Daarnaast dalen de vastgoedprijzen en moet er tegelijkertijd worden geïnvesteerd in verduurzaming en woningverbetering. Een probleem voor bewoners en woningbouwcorporaties. ‘Wij laten met Superlocal zien hoe het […]

The Continued Adoption of Housing Systems in the Netherlands: A Multiple Casestudy

Extensive governmental and industry efforts have been devoted to developing innovative housebuilding systems. However, it appears a challenge for housebuilding firms to move beyond their demonstration status and get their housing system adopted at a large scale and over a longer period. This is problematic since worsening developments concerning the environmental impact, poor production efficiency […]

Optical Study of Back-contacted CIGS Solar Cells

A novel back-contacted solar cell based on a submicron copper indium gallium (di)selenide (CIGS) absorber is proposed and optically investigated. First, charge carrier collection feasibility is studied by band diagram analysis. Then, two back-contacted configurations are suggested and optimized for maximum current production. The results are compared with a reference front/back-contacted CIGS solar cell with […]

Circular (de)construction in the Superlocal Project

Worldwide, the concept of the circular economy is gaining momentum. Different strategies are investigated for the construction industry to become circular as it is a major player concerning resource consumption, both energy and material related. One of these strategies focusses on qualitative re-use of building components and building materials. To assess the circularity of different […]

Environmental Impact Evaluation of Energy Saving and Energy Generation: Case Study for Two Dutch Dwelling Types Building and Environment

The existing building stock is a logical target to improve the level of sustainability of the built environment by energy saving measures. These measures typically entail a decrease of operational energy demand, mainly by adding building components such as insulation packages and energy generating devices. Consequently, material related environmental impact might create a collateral disproportionate […]

Influence of the Atmospheric Species Water, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide on the Degradation of Aluminum Doped Zinc Oxide Layers.

Aluminum doped zinc oxide (ZnO:Al) layers were exposed to the atmospheric gases carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2), nitrogen (N2) and air as well as liquid H2O purged with these gases, in order to investigate the chemical degradation behavior of these layers. The samples were analyzed by electrical, compositional and optical measurements before, during and after […]

Smart Urban Redesign

New Eyckholt 300

6419 DJ Heerlen

+31 (0) 6 38 57 05 60
