What do the key places that facilitate the circular economy now – and in the future – look like, how will they function? It’s important to stimulate proper waste separation and recollection. As part of the Syschemiq project, the researchers in WP4 looked at the facilities where waste is sorted and recollected. Are these places clean, safe, and attractive? How are they situated in the city, and in what kind of neighbourhoods can they be found? In Geleen, (one of the cities within the municipality @Sittard-Geleen) two students of Built Environment Zuyd, Adrian Huseincehajic and Ruben Welkenhuysen made a visual inventory of recycling platforms, supervised by Marijn van de Weijer and Jeroen Pelzer. These platforms do not serve the entire municipality, in some neighbourhoods there is door-to-door collection of waste. They observed and photo-documented the recycling platforms. The results contributed to developing waste coach experiments by Max Narinx of Gemeente Sittard-Geleen.