Project WOOW

Wonen, Opleiden, Ondernemen, Werken: Een interdisciplinaire aanpak voor 4 thema’s in de gebouwde omgeving

The future is WOOW

Deze krant werd gepubliceerd ter afronding van het WOOW project in 2023. Download

Decided or Divided? An Empirical Analysis of the Decision-making Process of Dutch Homeowners for Energy Renovation Measures.

The pace at which energy renovations are made to the existing housing stock must increase if the Netherlands is to reach the energy goals outlined in the nation’s climate mitigation policy. In this paper, this challenge is addressed by introducing a novel integrative model for a private homeowner’s decision-making process concerning energy renovation measures. The […]

Smart Urban Redesign

New Eyckholt 300

6419 DJ Heerlen

+31 (0) 6 38 57 05 60